Ghosts in Real Life: Contents

Welcome to a rather strange, paranormal mystery, in which ghosts are scientifically proven to exist — start here with the Contents Page

James Cartledge
3 min readJan 6, 2022


  • This series has been on hiatus for a few months, but will resume in August 2022

About the story:

After a ghost is discovered at a boys’ boarding school in England, academics are called in to investigate. But instead of simply dismissing the sighting as a hoax or collective delusion, the scientists determine that the phenomenon appears to be real.

When the scientific paper that confirms the existence of the ghost is then leaked to the media, the world wakes up to the apparent fact that ghosts are real.

But while society grapples with what it means for ghosts to actually exist, some other strange things begin to occur.

Chapters Available:

  • Chapter 18 will be released in August, 2022

Author’s note:

This is a story that has been developing in my head for a few years as a tangle of ideas that I’d really just like to get out onto the page! Therefore, it’s a little meandering, a bit first-drafty, but will hopefully prove interesting in the long-run.

As the title might suggest, it’s a paranormal story, but includes aspects of drama, science fiction and horror. It’s weird, but hopefully good.

Please do follow and subscribe if you’d like to read chapters as they come out, or have new chapters sent straight to your email. And by all means let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading,


